Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Estēe Lauder Double Wear Brush on Glow Vs. YSL Touché Eclat

The other day my YSL Touché Eclat ran out and I felt like a change.
I was at my local Boots and I had seen the Estēe Lauder Double Wear Brush-On Glow BB Highlighter used in a youtube video and it looked amazing, so I wanted to give it ago.
It is slightly cheaper than the YSL but not by much and you wouldn't know from the product.
Firstly, I prefer the consistency of the Double Wear Highlighter, it seems creamier and more blendable than the YSL and there are eight shades to choose from, whereas YSL only have three shades.
I got the shade 1C, which I think is a really good shade for me, as I am fairly pale.
I used this product without any foundation and it still gave me brightness, some coverage and blended well into my skin.
I don't have a picture of my YSL because by the time I had thought about doing this post I had thrown it away. Besides, I had the limited addition packaging, the one with the awful leopard print on it (disgusting!). Even with the original packaging, for some reason I prefer the Estēe Lauder packaging, the...product is in a thicker tube but the style looks sleeker and I prefer the twisting base, which pushes the product up, as opposed to the click button in the YSL.
I think I would definitely buy the Estēe Lauder highlighter over Touché Eclat, any day.
Which one do you prefer?

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