Monday, 8 June 2015

10 Reasons to Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant relating to the ginger family. It is very similar in looks to the ginger root and also has many health benefits. While it is better to be in it's root form, just like ginger, Turmeric as a root can be hard to come by in the UK but you can find it in most supermarkets or health stores in it's powdered form.
Turmeric has been used for centuries in an ancient, medicinal method called Siddha, where it was often used to treat topical sores, as well as stomach and liver ailments. As a spice it is used in most Savoury, Asian dishes particularly in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Thailand.
Incorporating Turmeric in to your diet is an easy way to improve your general wellbeing and here is why.
Curcumin, is sometimes used as an alternative name for Turmeric, although this is referring to the name of an important component within Turmeric. Curcumin is a chemical that is a potent anti-oxidant and is thought to be responsible for the alleged anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties found in Turmeric (I know, a lot of antis).
The immune system is essential to a healthy life and keeping it strong and protected is very important. By incorporating Turmeric in to your diet, you are helping to boost the immune system and protect your body from the progression of viruses and infection. This in turn, can aid your immune systems capability at fighting off disease by itself without relying on strong antibiotics.
Curuminoids are thought to be powerful anti-inflammatories, even on a par with drugs that are specifically designed to be anti-inflammatories but without the nasty side effects that can come with many pharmaceutical drugs.
Anti-oxidants have the ability to neutralise free radicals in our body that can cause aging and cell damage. Free radicals can cause health cells to oxidise and age prematurely, by introducing anti-oxidants into you diet, in abundance, you can prevent this from happening. This is another benefit of
using Turmeric in cooking.
BDNF is a growth hormone that can have a profound effect on the brain. When levels of BDNF have depleted in the body, disorders in the brain can occur. Curcumin, it is suggested, can regulate the levels of this hormone in the brain and in turn has a preventative effect on the development of neurological disorders.
Heart disease is the worlds most common cause of death and is an incredibly complex illness due the the multitude of contributory factors, which can cause it's development. Curcumin is thought to prevent the progression of heart disease by protecting the lining of blood vessels. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties in Curcumin can decrease inflammation and there is evidence to suggest that serious illness are caused by chronic inflammation in the body.
Cancer, next to heart disease, is up there with the most deadly conditions and every day studies to find preventatives and new, effective treatments are being held. Curcumin has been used in laboratories on test animals, and it has shown a decrease in the growth or cancer cells and tumours on the effected animals. Curcumin is thought to have anti-carcinogenic properties which could explain the effect it has in cancer cells.
Alzheimer's is a disease that occurs when protein deposits form in the brain, these are called Amyloid plaques, these along with fibre tangles and large amounts of  the chemical Acetylcholine, decrease the effectiveness of healthy nerve cells in the brain. These nerve cells or 'neurons' are what carry the messages in our brain. They gradually get destroyed. Curcumin has been found to break down the build up of these plaques and could possibly prevent the progression of Alzheimer's and it's symptoms.
Depression is a complex, psychological disorder with many possible, contributing factors. Along with  professional help (therapy), the introduction of Turmeric to your diet could increase happiness and cause the symptoms of depression to decline. Curcumin is thought to boots the neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly serotonin and dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for regulating the brains rewards and pleasure centres, it also has an impact on emotional responses. Serotonin is thought to regulate moods and play an integral part in regulating sleep processes, memory and libido.

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